Performance Management
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The QBIX Performance Management Module has been developed to assist Public Sector Institutions in the implementation of an Organisational Performance Management System.
The module is based on the "Balanced Scorecard Approach", which has been customised for the Public Sector. In addition, the module has been aligned to the requirements of the National Treasury Framework for managing performance information, thereby providing input into and assisting the institution in the development of their five year strategic plans / integrated development plans, annual performance plans / operational plans and business plans.
Users first set the vision, mission and strategic direction at an organisational level - to ensure that all departments within the Institution contribute towards the same vision and outcomes set by senior management.
Users plan their activities at a strategic, program or project level and set appropriate and realistic key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets that are both financial and non-financial. Actual performance is then captured against set targets and actual performance is monitored against KPIs at any level of business.

